Tips for Talking to Your Teens About Drunk Driving Dangers

Drunk Driving Dangers by Scott and Nolder

Lawyer for DUI in Columbus, OH Although teens represent a relatively small portion of the total population of drivers, they are at a significantly higher risk of getting into a car accident, often because of poor choices made with regard to drinking and driving. It’s a parent’s worst nightmare to arrange for a DUI lawyer for their child. Even if your teen abstains from consuming alcohol, he or she is at risk as a potential passenger. You can lessen the risk of requiring a DUI lawyer near Columbus and keep your teens safe by starting a conversation about drunk driving dangers.

Assess Their Knowledge

Before you can discuss the many dangers of drunk driving with your teens, you must first ascertain exactly what they know about it. Many teens have received misinformation from their peers or from the media. For example, some kids might assume that it’s alright to drink before driving as long as their blood alcohol content (BAC) is below the legal limit. By determining what they currently know, you can add to their knowledge and dispel common myths. For instance, you might tell your teens that any amount of alcohol can impair their ability to drive, regardless of whether their BAC is under the legal limit.

Explain the Legal Dangers

Help your teens understand the many consequences of drunk driving, including the legal repercussions. If your family needs to hire a drunk driving defense attorney, your teen could be facing incarceration, fines, points on the driver’s license, and suspension of the driver’s license. A DUI lawyer is also likely to point oui t that having a conviction on one’s record can damage future prospects, such as college acceptance and employment.

Discuss Safety Strategies

Even when your teens fully understand the dangers of drinking and driving, they may have a hard time safely navigating difficult situations with their peers. Give them the tools to stay safe by discussing specific scenarios and offering solutions. For example, if your teen is being pressured to get in a car with someone who has been drinking, he or she should understand that your help is just a phone call away. Teens who are worried about losing face with their friends might use a predetermined code word to let you know that they need a ride.