How to Prepare for a Meeting With a Criminal Defense Attorney

Preparing for Criminal Defense Attorney

defense attorney Columbus Ohio Many people arrange for legal representation from behind bars, while others do so while under investigation before they have been charged with a crime. Regardless of your circumstances, it’s advisable to be as prepared as possible when meeting with your criminal defense lawyer. Being prepared for an initial consultation with your defense attorney will, in turn, help him or her prepare a defense on your behalf.

Understand Your Lawyer’s Role

First, take a few minutes to learn about the way in which your defense attorney can help you. He or she is there to be your advocate, protect your legal rights, offer sound legal guidance, and keep you informed of the legal proceedings. In order to fulfill these duties, your defense attorney located in Columbus will need to ask you plenty of questions about your case and your background. It’s important to answer all of these questions honestly. Remember that anything you tell your defense attorney is confidential. Some of the questions you might expect to answer include who else may have been involved in the alleged offense, what other people did during the incident, and whether you said anything about the incident to other people. Your drug offense attorney is also likely to ask you questions about the conduct of the police officers who arrested you. By anticipating these questions, you can make your meeting with the attorney more productive.

Compile Relevant Documents

Ahead of your consultation with your defense attorney, compile any documents that are relevant to your defense. Your lawyer may ask to see your bail documentation, copies of the police report, paperwork related to a search and seizure, and any other paperwork you received from the police.

Write Down Notes and Questions

You can get the most out of your initial meeting with your lawyer by bringing along notes regarding the incident. Write down all the details you can remember regarding what happened, such as where you were, what you were doing, and what the police officers said to you. It’s also helpful to write down a list of your questions for your attorney. You may wish to ask what the potential penalties are if you’re convicted and how the lawyer plans to defend you in court.